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5/7/2004 13:26:00 | Arquivo | Turismo | Eventos

Post-show news: LACIME 2004 beats expectations

Three thousand two hundred visitors came to LACIME 2004, the first trade show focused on business travel ever held in Latin America and the Caribbean, on June 23, 24 and 25 at São Paulo’s Transamerica Expo Center. The organisers expected 3,000 visitors.

Many exhibitors have said they are highly satisfied with the show and confirmed their participation in next year’s edition. This result largely reflects the success of the programme for hosted buyers to meet the suppliers they are most interested in by prescheduled appointment (PSA). PSA programmes are a regular feature of trade shows such as EIBTM in Europe and AIME in the Asia Pacific region.

Business and incentive travel is in the ascendant worldwide and LACIME evidently leverages this rapidly expanding niche market, enabling planners of meetings, conventions, travel programmes, special events etc. and decision makers in related areas to network very productively. LACIME hosted 150 buyers from 22 countries around the world, plus 150 trade buyers from metropolitan São Paulo and nearby areas.

Selected on the basis of rigorous research by Reed Exhibitions Brazil, the organisers of LACIME 2004, these specially invited executives came to the show committed to attend at least 16 prescheduled appointments with the suppliers of their choice. Additional appointments could be set up during the event. More than 1,900 appointments had been scheduled by June 22, the day before the show officially opened. In practice, the total number of appointments for each member of the PSA exceeded the minimum by up to 100%.

Half the hosted buyers who attended LACIME manage budgets of US$1 million or more, and 55% decide on or recommend destinations, infrastructure and services for incentive travel programmes and events. The 8,000 sq. m. exhibition housed 257 suppliers from 22 countries. On the first day (June 23), business was placed with destinations such as Rio de Janeiro and Paraná.

The next edition of LACIME will take place on June 22-24, 2005, in São Paulo.

Mais informações para a imprensa:
Marily Miranda e Izabel Méo
LH Miranda
Fone: 11 - 3873-5488
Cel: 11 - 9997-6410
E-mail: marily@pressclub.com.br
Site: http://www.pressclub.com.br

Leia mais sobre a Fonte: LACIME


Press Kit LACIME 2004

Balance - LACIME 2004 superó las expectativas

Agências - Comunicação ABAV Nacional

Hotelaria - ABIH na LACIME: Divulgação forte do Conotel 2004

Hotelaria - Diretor comercial do Casa Grande Hotel comenta participação na LACIME

Hotelaria - Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa na LACIME 2004

Eventos - Buenos Aires na LACIME 2004

Cruzeiros - Cresce o interesse por cruzeiros marítimos entre profissionais de eventos e incentivos

Cruzeiros - Costa Cruzeiros comemora resultados na LACIME 2004

Destiny - Paraná Turismo at LACIME 2004
