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28/6/2004 13:56:00 | Arquivo | Turismo | Eventos

Destiny - Paraná Turismo at LACIME 2004

With an exhibition tent at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo, SP, the Paraná State Secretary of Tourism and Paraná Turismo – in conjunction with the Foz do Iguaçu Municipal Secretary of Tourism along with the cooperation of the Curitiba Convention Center – will be participating at Lacime 2004 (Latin America and Caribbean Incentive and Meetings Exhibition) from the 23rd to the 26th of June. Considered the first exposition about motivational tourism, events and a business of Latin America and the Caribbean, Lacime’s focus is on those who organize, plan, recommend, research, have influence on, or make the final decision in carrying out the events, annual meetings, incentive and corporate trips, special conferences and events.

“The participation of Lacime offers an opportunity of making the tourist product and quality of hosting in Paraná known. The event will allow the sharing of experiences and the updating of knowledge of this segment”, says tourism secretary of state Celso de Souza Caron.

Both, the options of destinations and specialized services for corporate tourism in the region will be on exhibit at the event. Concurrently, the cycle of Conferences will be taking place, with lectures and panels for entrepreneurs and executives in the area of motivational marketing, events and trips from Latin America and the world.

The presenters of Lacime are from Latin America, the Caribbean and other nations, oriented to cover all aspects of motivational industry and events. Among these will be corporate travel agencies, workers unions, convention centers, air line companies, and Conventions and Visitors Bureau. Also participating will be cruise line companies, destinations and governing bodies of tourism, ground transportation companies, companies specialized in motivational marketing, companies offering solutions in telecommunications, hotels and hotel chains.

Press Relations Office:

Account manager: Susana Branco de Araujo Santos

Telephone no.: (41) 254-7273 or (41) 9983-8050

E-mail address: imprensa.setu@pr.gov.br or odim@brturbo.com

Site: www.pr.gov.br/turismo

Further information LACIME 2004:

Mais informações para a imprensa:
Marily Miranda e Izabel Méo
LH Miranda
Fone: 11 - 3873-5488
Cel: 11 - 9997-6410
E-mail: marily@pressclub.com.br
Site: http://www.pressclub.com.br

Leia mais sobre a Fonte: LACIME


Press Kit LACIME 2004

Balance - LACIME 2004 superó las expectativas

Post-show news: LACIME 2004 beats expectations

Agências - Comunicação ABAV Nacional

Hotelaria - ABIH na LACIME: Divulgação forte do Conotel 2004

Hotelaria - Diretor comercial do Casa Grande Hotel comenta participação na LACIME

Hotelaria - Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa na LACIME 2004

Eventos - Buenos Aires na LACIME 2004

Cruzeiros - Cresce o interesse por cruzeiros marítimos entre profissionais de eventos e incentivos

Cruzeiros - Costa Cruzeiros comemora resultados na LACIME 2004
