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5/4/2004 18:09:00 | Arquivo | Turismo | Eventos

Trade associations represent Brazilian market at LACIME 2004

Brazilian companies spend US$2 billion on incentive programmes every year. Annual investment in meetings and events amounts to some 18 billion Brazilian Reals (currently about US$6.21 billion). These estimates are from event organiser and promoter Reed Exhibitions Brazil, which has launched LACIME 2004, the first Latin American & Caribbean Incentive & Meetings Exhibition, scheduled to be held in June in São Paulo. Some of these statistics refer to the entire universe of organisations belonging to industry and trade associations for every sector of the Brazilian economy. Six of these associations have reserved personalised exhibition halls and booths at LACIME 2004. This strategy means that not just the large corporations but small and medium companies too will have a chance to meet buyers who are especially interested in their products and services. This is because LACIME 2004 includes a programme that is completely new to Brazil: the Hosted Buyer® Programme, thanks to which more than 300 executives with senior authority for purchasing decisions in the Americas and Europe will attend the event as guests of Reed Exhibitions Brazil. According to the Group’s international statistics, 36% of the Hosted Buyers who attend its travel and tourism industry shows are responsible for incentive budgets of US$1 million or more. “The investment deals we expect Hosted Buyers to close at LACIME 2004 match the attractions of the Region, which has a significant exchange-rate spread in its favour,” says Juan Pablo De Vera, managing director of Reed Exhibitions Brazil. Including LACIME 2004, the Group organises 13 trade shows for the travel and tourism industry worldwide. Reed Exhibitions Brazil is partnering with ABAV Nacional, the Brazilian association of travel agencies, to produce this event. LACIME 2004: June 23-25 at Transamerica Expo Center, São Paulo (www.lacimexpo.com).

The following Brazilian associations have confirmed their presence at LACIME 2004:

ABEOC (Brazilian Association of Event Organisers)

ABGEV (Brazilian Association of Corporate Travel Managers)

ABIH (Brazilian Hotel Industry Association)

ABLA (Brazilian Association of Car Rental Firms)

AMPRO (Brazilian Promotional Marketing Association)

Braztoa (Brazilian Association of Travel Operators)

Mais informações para a imprensa:
Marily Miranda e Izabel Méo
LH Miranda
Fone: 11 - 3873-5488
Cel: 11 - 9997-6410
E-mail: marily@pressclub.com.br
Site: http://www.pressclub.com.br

Leia mais sobre a Fonte: LACIME


Press Kit LACIME 2004

Balance - LACIME 2004 superó las expectativas

Post-show news: LACIME 2004 beats expectations

Agências - Comunicação ABAV Nacional

Hotelaria - ABIH na LACIME: Divulgação forte do Conotel 2004

Hotelaria - Diretor comercial do Casa Grande Hotel comenta participação na LACIME

Hotelaria - Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa na LACIME 2004

Eventos - Buenos Aires na LACIME 2004

Cruzeiros - Cresce o interesse por cruzeiros marítimos entre profissionais de eventos e incentivos

Cruzeiros - Costa Cruzeiros comemora resultados na LACIME 2004
