Sistema Press Club
sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2024

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Press Release
Press Kit - Datagro
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Arquivo | Agrobusiness

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Press Release

April 18th, 2013 – The condition of cane fields in the Center South region this year is much better than those observed in the same period last year. Favorable climate during cane growth is the main reason for this status.

Higher than normal rainfall in March/13 and April/13, so far, will impact positively on the availability of canes to be crushed from mid-season to ending of the crop. DATAGRO Crop Survey shows that good quality sugarcane in São Paulo will result in significant increase in agricultural yield, especially if compared to the previous harvest.

However, the abundant rainfalls also delayed the start of crushing season for some mills, while others had to interrupt mechanical harvesting operations during the first ten days of April/13.

Higher than normal precipitation levels have also negatively impacted the 18-month planting program, which was interrupted several times during March/13 and April/13. If rainfall persists, planting may move from 18-month canes towards 12-month canes, impacting next crop.

Cane fields scheduled to be harvested at the start of the crop are presenting good productivity potential but are also showing higher than normal humidity levels, reducing expectations of TRS levels at least for the first quarter of the crop. Many producers are waiting for the results of rippener application in an attempt of improving sucrose concentration.

Intense rainfall at the start of the crushing season is impacting not only on TRS levels in cane, but also vegetal impurities, causing additional industrial losses from higher fiber being processed.

Overall, pests and disease infestations are under control. Cane borer infestation is rising, while “cigarrinhas” infestation levels are decreasing. Weeds are also a concern since they compete with cane for water and soil nutrients.

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Mais informações para a imprensa:
Luiz Henrique Miranda e Marily Miranda
Assessoria de imprensa Datagro
Fone: 11 - 3873-5488
Cel: 11 - 996588766

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